Mario Assassinates Joe Biden: The Text Adventure

Mario: Good idea, Luigi! Imma go ask him now!

Luigi: Alright, good luck, Mario!

Mario approaches Toadsworth.

Toadsworth: Oh hello, Mario! What brings you here?

Mario: Well, I want to try to prevent-a Joe Biden from brainwashing the nation, and I thought you might-a know a thing or two about killing the president?

Toadsworth: ...

Toadsworth: Uhm, let's talk about this in private, OK?

Mario: Alright-a.

Mario and Toadsworth go to a *secret* room.

Toadsworth presses a secret button that reveals a door to his arsenal of illegal weaponry.

Mario: W-Wow-a Toadsworth... you have all-a this stuff on hand like this?

Toadsworth: Indeed... this stash is for emergencies only, and nationwide brainwashing is no exception!

Mario: I, uh... I see.

Toadsworth: Alright Mario, you can take anything you'd like here.

What will you take?

Dagger (Kill Joe Biden)
Ignition Bombs (Blow Up the White House)
Machine Gun (Eliminate the Government)
